Selling Selling EU account with the following charaters;...

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by Tareq Hajir, 1/6/12.

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  1. Tareq Hajir

    Tareq Hajir
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    Selling EU account with the following charaters; 85 Undead Mage ilvl around 384 (PvE) 85 Goblin DK with about the same item level (PvE) also. (Blood and Frost but good gear) 80 undead Priest fully wrathful geared. 80 Druid with full epix 75 Paladin 71 Warrior 70 Rogue 70 Warlock And a few lowbies... Most of the chars got epic flying + fast flying Inbox me your offer. All of the characters are on Ahn'Qiraj except for my level 60 twink Hunter since it's Human.
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    Talal Kudmani

    Talal Kudmani
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    where u live?
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    Tareq Hajir

    Tareq Hajir
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    Qatar and I'm in Jordan right now
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    Tareq Hajir

    Tareq Hajir
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    Offer a price ;)
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    Tareq Hajir

    Tareq Hajir
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    I'm not on my laptop right now but take the info of each char to check armory. Mage 85 (Volevo) undead on Ahn'Qiraj realm Priest 80 (Volevoo) same Paladin 75 (Humanstamer) Blood elf but on same server Warlock 70 (Handgiver) Blood elf too same server Rogue 70 (Twinkiller) Undead same server DeathKnight 85 (Mondrath) I think Goblin on server Killrogg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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