Sold Selling EU account with 6 characters and rare items CHEAP

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sarmis100, 6/3/17.

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  1. sarmis100

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    Hi want to sell EU account
    lvl 65 juggernaut
    lvl 65 Assassin
    lvl 65 Powertech
    lvl 60 Sniper
    lvl 65 Jedi Sage
    lvl 65 Jedi Sentinel
    Tulak hord full armor set unlocked on all characters
    Revan Reborn full armor set unlocked on all characters
    Volatile Conqueror lightsaber unlocked on all characters
    Volatile Conqueror saberstaff unlocked on all characters
    pure white Crystal War hero unlocked on all characters
    Blue Core war hero crystal unlocked on all characters
    Nexu companion unlocked on all characters
    all characters also have the rarest dyes (Black and black,black and white,white and black)
    Overlord command throne and Dominators command throne mounts unlocked on all characters
    Rancor mount unlocked on all characters
    Cool expensive rare toys like pocket sarlac and kolto tank also unlocked on all characters
    Legacy level 50 on the account
    also theres 1500 cartel coins left
    price 30$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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