Sold [Selling EU account with 141 legendaries, 324 epics, more than 15.000 dust.

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fanteg86, 11/10/20.

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  1. fanteg86

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    EU acc with 141 legendaries,324 epics, more than 15.000 dust.

    One owner account.
    141 legendary cards, 2 golden legendary cards, 324 epic cards. Many # staple legendaries for both standart and wild.
    More than 15k dust. Enough to craft any top tier deck.
    Lots of card backs (80+) including legendary one.
    Liandrin, Tyrande, Maiev, Lunara and Nemsy heroes. 6 heroes 60 lvl.
    5700 ranked wins, 600+ arena wins.
    If you have any questions contact me via discord fanteg#6686
    Diablo 3 copy on account.
    Free battletag change is available.
    Whole collection stats - link
    Legendaries available - link
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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