Selling Selling EU account; top 20 hotslogs MMR; Grand Master account

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GitGud Boosting, 8/13/17.

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  1. GitGud Boosting

    GitGud Boosting
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    This is my personal blizzard account account. Also has Overwatch on it, some skins, mostly Reaper.

    Missing heroes in HOTS: Probius, Stukov, TLV, Alarak, Malthael

    I posses many mounts and skins.

    At the moment the account has roughly 5k gold, 450shards, 310 gems.

    About 4008 points in master atm, was #175 gm with it, very high MMR, ~3900 HL (top 20 in EU), ladder pretty easy to climb. Was Master/diamond in previous seasons, mostly due to not playing on my own account.

    Free name change is available.

    Price: roughly 300e, payment via paypal.

    For more info, questions, offers, contact me on SKYPE: gitgudboost

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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