Sold Selling [ EU ] account 9 Tran [ 7 Max 1 Ulti ]

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tibbeer, 9/30/17.

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  1. tibbeer

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    EU account 9 Tran [ 7 Max 1 Ulti ]

    Account Type = Hive ID and Email

    Payment = Paypal

    Resources = Gold 110m / Arena Coin 9400 / 6 SSS Allie / 60+ Tran Essence

    Ruby 500+ [ i'm still farming can solo guild siege and guild adventure just 2 mode income 2000+ ruby per week]

    8 Tran

    - Shadow Howl - Ulti
    - Manalandy - Max
    - Drunken Falcom - Max
    - Blackaria - Max
    - Ravengale - Max
    - Bliss Foxy - Max
    - Llywelyn - Max
    - Greysoul - Max
    - Kymael +3

    All Accesory Slot is Opened


    Main Charactor
    - Paladin Lv 117 - Inventory 6/6
    - Priest Lv 117 - Inventory 5/6
    - Archer Lv 117 - Inventory 5/6
    - Rouge Lv 117 - inventory 6/6

    All Accesory Slot is Opened and 2nd Skill Book is Opened
    Title Hell Knight all Characters in account


    6 Link Item slot opened [ Total Link 7 ]

    6 Link 117 Ultimate Gear with U gem and SSS Gem

    6 Link all Arena Accesory is Equiped

    50+ Triple Skill Card with good stat


    12 Buster 10 ultimate

    - Epsilon - Ulti
    - Stigma - Ulti
    - Omega - Ulti
    - Gaia - Ulti
    - Tiehr - Ulti
    - Thanatos - Ulti
    - Sasha - Ulti
    - Askr - Ulti
    - Tethys - Ulti
    - Helios - Ulti

    - Atlas +0
    - Ragnarok +0


    24 Deify
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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