Sold [Selling] EU 9000 paragon account (CHEAP)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by seadaug, 6/1/20.

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  1. seadaug

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    - 9000 paragon
    - full bis / primal gear, barb, wizard, necro, dh
    - 10k+++ of each gem (non legendary)
    - full augments each character (100-130)
    - several augments in stash
    - several tabs in stash filled with useful primals on most classes / builds
    - 700k Death breath, 1.7m forgotten souls
    - 2700 GR keys
    - 400 Ramaladnis gift

    Price is very flexible, please just message me on discord if you have any interest in the account. Have been active on and on since 2012 i believe. Contact me on discord if you have any questions about the account: iExecute#3565
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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