Sold Selling [eu] 59 wizard pvp/pve + 59 ninja life skiller. Tet dande, pen muskan.

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pradito, 2/9/17.

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  1. pradito

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    I'm thinking about selling my account if I get good offers.

    It has a T8D Courser (You can awaken him to Pegasus when released). I have gathered a lot of farm byproducts and race and imperial tokens so it shouldn't be hard)

    TRI Giath.
    DUO Bhegs (Will upgrade it to tri again soon)
    PEN Muskan
    TRI Hebetate
    TET Dandelion
    TRI Kutum/ PRI Nouver
    DUO Crescents
    DUO Basilisk
    DUO Scarla (RIP my ogre ring will try to upgrade another ogre or sicil soon)

    It has a full trade empire (you can make 200M per week doing crates more if you invest in market materials), my lifeskiller is master 4 trading, master 9 processing, master 3 cooking.

    4 Months and a half of value pack. 1 tier 4 pet, 3 tier 2 pets. Maid outfit for processing. Cokro, Narusawa, Desert Ghillie and Cantusa costumes on the Ninja. Awakening costume on the wizard. A warrior alt with the awakening costume. A sorceress alt with Ghillie.

    All lodging of calpheon bought with Pearls. A lot of warehouse storage bought with pearls too.

    Looking for 1500€.
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