Sold [Selling] EU | 42 Legendaries | All Adventures completed | 2 Hero Skins

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by liuhi, 1/7/17.

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  1. liuhi

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    EU | 42 Legendaries | All Adventures completed | 2 Hero Skins

    Hi I'm selling my Hearthstone account

    All Adventures BRM+NAX+LOE+KARAZHAN

    Legendary 42
    Madam Goya, The Curator, Alexstrasza, Yogg, Barnes, Kelthuzad, Moroes, Archmage Antonidas, Tinkmaster Overspark, Lord Jaraxxus, Allakir the Wind Lord, Brann Bronzebeard, Nat Pagle, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Dr. Boom, Reno Jackson, Chromaggus, Baron Geddon, Icehowl, Hemet Nesingwary, Herald Volazj, Rend Blackhand, Sylvanas Windrunner, Baron Rivendare, Emperor Thaurissan, Gormok the Impaler, Arch-Thief Rafaam, Elise Starseeker, Mimiron's Head, Captain Greenskin, Majordomo Executus, Nefarian, C'Thun, Medivh The Guardian, Ragnaros The Firelord, Gruul, Feugen, Stalag, Loatheb, Prince Malchezaar, Cragg, Maexna.

    Cardback: 27

    Paladin Lady Liadrin skin
    Shaman Morgl The Oracle skin

    Dust: ~6000 dust so you can create the 3 leg/3epic you want.
    GOLD: 1000

    (name change in battlenet available)
    Price: 40eu

    Skype: dainsak1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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