Sold [Selling] [EU] 1341 AP HM 20 BLADE DANCER EU Aransu 9 FULL VT TT READY ( Tiger soul Stage 2 )

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Spectreant, 7/7/18.

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  1. Spectreant

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    HM 20 BLADE DANCER EU Aransu 9 FULL VT TT READY ( Tiger soul Stage 2 ) 1341 AP

    EU - Jinsoyun

    PRICE : 250$

    If Interested Contact me in my Discord :

    DISCORD : Spectreant#4700

    ( all the screenshot down in link )

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    BD HM 20
    AP: 1341
    Aransu - Stage 9
    ascendant weapon - Stage 6
    Soul: Tiger Soul - Stage 3
    Pet: Unleashed Hongmoon Pet Aura
    Ring: Awakened Lodestar Ring - Stage 3
    Earring: Awakened Supernova Earring - Stage 3
    Necklace: Awakened Stormpulse Necklace - Stage 3
    Belt: Skybreaker Belt - Stage 10
    Gloves: King Gloves - Stage 10
    Soulshield: 8 Set of VT with max crit on most it 9k crit Critical Rate 60.98%
    Soul Badge
    Limitless Soul Badge
    Mystic Badge
    Hongmoon Gems
    Octagonal Diamond
    Octagonal Aquamarine
    Octagonal Ruby
    Octagonal Amethyst
    Octagonal Citrine
    Octagonal Lighting Obsidian
    Heptagonal wind Obsidian x3
    Gold/Materials/Outfits (Screenshot included)
    Around 330 outfits with raven king outfit on 2 chracter
    Materials 15-20k Worth
    #1 Spectreant, 7/7/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/16/18
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