11.000+ paragon Reusable parts: 158k Arcane dust: 1.5m Veiled crystal: 2m Death breath: 118k Forgotten soul: 1.1m Barb: D3planner - Maxroll.gg - Diablo 3 Resource Website Season 23 DH: D3planner - Maxroll.gg - Diablo 3 Resource Website Season 23 DH T16: D3planner - Maxroll.gg - Diablo 3 Resource Website Season 23 -Zei, Bott, Simplicity and Taeguk is 150. Rest of the gems are 135~ -20+ 135 augment gems in stash. Stash is filled with useful primals for most builds. Just add me on discord if you have any questions and I can provide screenshots etc iExecute#3565