Sold Selling ESO + Morrowind expansion account

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MANoWAR.U51, 6/24/17.

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  1. MANoWAR.U51

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    Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

    today I´m selling a ESO base game + Morrowind account. There is one lvl 5-6 character on this account with some hours but basically this account is completely fresh. Perfect for people who want to experience the journey to Elder Scrolls Online from the beginning.

    It is a real ESO account (not a Steam one). Email, personal imformation etc can be changed after purchase.

    I accept Paypal transactions, please send me a pm and let me know what are you willing to pay for the account. After that we can accomplish the trade using skype.

    Thank you and farewell
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