Sold Selling Epic Up to date SWTOR account [EU]

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wilki661, 12/29/16.

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  1. wilki661

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    I am selling my SWTOR account, it has some really cool things ... Here is a list
    Server: The Red Eclipse
    Rank: Legendary Player

    Legacy Sets

    *Dark v Light Full 50% xp armor set (Can help u with leveling all ur toons in a very rapid rate)
    * Regular Dromund kaas legacy vendor set pieces
    * Lots of unused companion gifts

    Species unlocked
    - Togruta
    - Twi'lek
    - Chiss
    - Sith
    - Mirukla


    * Level 70 Sith Assassin
    * Level 70 Sith Juggernaut
    * Level 70 Sith Marauder
    * Level 70 Powertech
    * Level 70 Mercenary
    * Level 70 Jedi Sentinel
    * Level 68 Sith Sorcerer
    * Level 61 Jedi Guardian
    * ... Other low level toons
    All characters off level 70 have above 216 gear , some have full 228+ ...

    Cartel Items
    Unlocked in collection

    * Eradicators armor set
    * Reavers armor set

    * Fancy Revelers armor set
    * Mandalorian Seekers Armor set
    * ... Some other sets that aren't worth to many credits

    * Volatile Conquerer's lightsaber
    * White black crystal (+41 critical rating)
    * ... some random color crystals

    Not unlocked in collection
    * Sith Recluse supplementary Body armor
    * Cermonial Mystic's armor set
    * Alliance recononnaisance armor set
    * Malak Shadow's armor set
    * White crystal (+41 power)
    * Weapon tuning (Worth 14 mil at the moment)

    Remaining sub time: 35+ days (at the creation of this thread)

    Item Stash
    - There are many items, crystals , companion gifts in my item stash.


    Stronghold is not very decorated but i have a lot of expensive decorations bound to my legacy. Such as a throne, Malgus statue, Emperor statue, Slave Statue, Crystals wall hanger, A full medical room and everything u need such as mailbox, guild bank , gtn, legacy bank, cargo hold ...

    The price: It is obviously not going to be super cheap since this is a good account: The price can be negotiated in Skype ... But it's not going to be cheap I'm telling you that so if you expect to get this for less than +- 150 euros than ur wrong

    Skype: antoine.gunz

    Payment method: Can be negotiated

    - - - Updated - - -

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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