Selling Epic Goldfarmer Skiller High Rc [200M+ Per Month]

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    First of all I know this account is not "cheap", but seeing as all the people who sell maxed mains for 45M and then next day recover. I am not doing that so I wont sell cheap No negotiations fixed price of £60. I will do a recovery test and using a vmm will set your email/recoveries on the account before you pay. Log In; (Will remove email&recoveries when I find a buyer) Stats; (combat 111+7) Quests; Blackmarks; I had many quest items on this until I got #, idk if you can get them back I had korsais, varrock armour etc .. email - [email protected] I am new here but not new to selling, I will not ask you to go first and will not go first myself.
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