Hello, I want to sell my Epic Founder account for Albion Online because the game wasn't really something for me. I already played on this account , so it has some progress but you can easily focus on another path with that Learn Points. Below you can find all the things which are on the account. T4 Island with Expert's house 650 Learn Points 32 days of premium left T6 Axe and Torch T6 DPS build 1m Fame Gathering T5 stone and all other T4 materials Crafting T7 stone 2m silver Crop farmer T7 This is ideal account for somebody who need island for farming or just wants to do some pve or pvp. Unfortunately, I can't provide you email adress for this account because it's my personal email as well but I can promise you that this account will remain to you forever and when Sandbox Interactive will add a way how to change the email adress, I will cooperate with you to change it. PM me the price and try not to lowball me. If you have any questions or if you are interested in this offer, please contact me via PM here on playerup or add me on discord Saemundr#2327.