Selling Epic end game account - full iventory - 650cp+

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by esoseller1337, 1/10/17.

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  1. esoseller1337

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    ccount details;
    - 650+ CP & Any Race and Any Alliance is available
    - 50Lv Magicka Sorc (High Elf&Main Char), 50Lv Stamina DK (Orc), 50Lv Magicka DK (Dunmer), 50Lv Magicka Templar (Breton),50Lv Magicka Nb, 2x empty slot
    - All the characters are in Aldmeri Dominion
    - They all got its special build (vMA weapons&vDSA weapons)
    - 2,5 Million Gold + 20x Temper + 20x Resin + 60x Wax and many other crafting materials
    - High PvP Ranks for Main Char + Magicka Dk + Magicka Templar and Stamina Dk
    - Main character has 9 Trait Woodworking + 9 Trait Light Armor + 8-9 Trait Medium Armor + 8-9 Trait Blacksmithing
    - Orsinum DLC included, Main quest line and side quests are completed in Main Char (for Orsinum)
    - All characters have enough skill points for both PvP and PvE
    - Main character have completed Main quests + Almanac's Silver&Gold
    - Main character is able to have crafting skills&passives + PvP&PvE skills (got almost 400 Skill Points)
    - Very effective builds that are made by me (Both PvP&PvE) + (in Legendary/Yellow Quality)
    - Got every single monster helmet and its shoulder in good traits
    - Approximately I got 6 million AP Which are going to be spent really effective in upcomming patch
    - Have 2x Free Slot for your new character that you may want to level up
    - Got all the costumes&polymorphs that can be taken from quests (Orsinum&vMSA included) + Royal Court Jester

    - Got all trial jewelery drops in golden

    * I have played TESO for 1.5 years, this account is ready to be played for every aspect and you can re-discover Tamriel with your new characters or leveled up ones that haven't finished the quest line etc.
    Account is ready for upcomming patch for crafting furnitures + purchasing houses + achievements that you need to accomplish.
    I am thinking to give it in really fair price for both me and seller. Feel free to ask anything here or my skype adress.
    PS: I sold another account before 1 year ago, I can let you talk with the buyer if you have any issues about security. (Provided Post-Purchase Service)
    * Feel free to offer any fair price to me - Paypal is available

    My skype adress: Serhat1944
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  2. NattyBoh

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    My Location:
    xbox or pc?
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  3. Esteban1944

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  4. Esteban1944

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    BUMP !
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