Hello, Iam looking to sell my account since i stopped playing. My account has the following items. - All SW titles - Best possible Zodiac pets Secret Legendary and Adult - Thousands of Weddingfood - half year to year of music - tons of transformation potions - lots of plussing stones, clean stones - endgame gear + Good xbow and dagger - Scout/rogue/knight/warrior/priest/mage all level 100 - +27 rings - HD HoE items - level 80/90 and 90/100 cenedrills - Alot of proof of myths good amount of gold - max housekeepers - plenty of monstercards - and way more stuff The price is #. But please only add with serious offers and no Lowballing. If you are interested in buying my account please add me on discord: TheGOAT#0767 or sent me an email [email protected]