Selling Endgame ffrk account - 4 osb, 23 bsb, tons of ssb, native trinity

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wiegraf, 1/24/17.

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  1. Wiegraf

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    Hi there - getting bored with FFRK and wanted to sell my endgame account. It contains the following:

    176 Stamina (All Classic Dungeons\Elite Dungeons before January update complete)
    34 Mythril
    10 million Gil

    Here are the Major SB's I have native:

    Gilgamesh's Naginata
    Terra (Blood Sword)
    Tidus (Apocalypse)
    Jecht (Blitz King)

    Warrior of Light (Lustrous Shield)
    Garland (Ogrekiller)
    Maria (Rune-Graven Bow) - GREAT FOR MAGE TEAMS
    Luneth (Gungnir) - GREAT FOR PHYSICAL
    Kain (Abel's Lance)
    Galuf (Sledgehammer)
    Krile (Asura's Rod)
    Gilgamesh (Masamune)
    Sephiroth (Masamune-Shinuchi)
    Rinoa (Shooting Star)
    Zell (Burning Fist) - GREAT FOR PHYSICAL
    Garnet (Dagger of Resolve)
    Vivi (Flame Staff)
    Kuja (Terra's Legacy)
    Steiner (Enhancer)
    Freya (Heavy Lance)
    Tidus (Razzmatazz)
    Cid Raines (Metamorphosis Claws) - GREAT FOR MAGE TEAMS
    Lightning (Overture)
    Noel (Flame Fossil)
    Y'shtola (Healer's Circlet) - GREAT MEDICA
    Minfilia (Curtana)
    Alphinaud (Veil of Wiyu) - GREAT FOR MAGE TEAMS

    In addition, I have Native Trinity for both Mage and Physical Teams, with 2 Wall users (Tyro and Y'shtola), multiple Medicas across several realms and several Boostga\Hastegas and Faithga\Hastegas.

    I will update this post with pictures as I can and they are definitely available my request. Please PM me with any offers or further questions. Thank you!
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  2. Ahr01

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    HM are you selling?
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