Selling Selling Endgame account with 6 char (3 lvl 200 & 1 lvl 195) [Remington server]

Discussion in 'Wakfu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by All Might, 1/22/17.

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  1. All Might

    All Might
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    I started playing wakfu in 2010 and I'm still playing with this account (so some things could be improved more).
    Why am I selling?
    Because I got tired of the game and I want to go on holiday this summer.

    Characters [Server: Remington]
    Iop lvl 200: best set possible at the moment and full runed
    Pandawa lvl 200: almost full runed
    Foggernaut lvl 200: almost full runed
    Ecaflip lvl 195: partially runed
    Eliotrope lvl 160
    Osamodas lvl 150

    All the chars are well geared with epics\relics
    NB: the iop has 2 set: one for PvM and another for PvP with sh*tload of initiative. Both full runed

    All gathering professions to lvl 100, Seal of Companionship (+50% harvest quantity) and all professions tools (+30% havest quantity)
    Handyman lvl 100
    Close combat weapon master lvl 100
    Long distance weapon master lvl 100
    Armorer lvl 100

    A lot of equipments (epics, relics and crafted items), resources and runes (as i said above, I've been playing this game since closed-beta, so about 6years).
    I have about 300million kamas too in my account.
    A lot of sidekicks.

    It's not subbed right now, but I have 10k of ogrines

    In this account I have a character lvl 200 in Dofus (Iop), no set, all the characteristics scrolled and with about 10mk.
    If you buy all I will give you for free another account with an Enutrof lvl 196 with endgame gear (relic + epic, but very few runed).

    If you are seriously kinterested, please write here or send me a message via email: www[dot]matthew[at]hotmail[dot]it (yes, with www. too)
    Send me an email with your skype and we can talk there.
    Note: if you want more screenshot, I can send whatever you want.

    Paymant: PayPal is better.
    Make an offer, I think you wont find someone who sells an account better than mine :P
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  2. Eizan

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    Hello, do you still sell your account ?
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  3. kokolechel

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    you sell again?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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