Sold Selling Endgame ACC LVL 77 2.1 MIL

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by Kovaris, 7/12/21.

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  1. Kovaris

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    Hello guys,

    I would like to sell my end game RSL account:

    Account features:

    14 leggos (9 of them builded - Hege, Arbiter, Foli,Minaya, Hurndig, Brogni, Scyl, Tyrant, Martyr ),
    - many epics (mostly builded),
    - Arbiter with 328speed(4times Shield speed),

    Ice golem 25 - 5:03
    Dragon 25 - 4:33
    Spider 25 - 1:14
    FK 25 - 5:15

    Doom Tower:

    Normal - done
    Hard - progressing on floor 85

    Gold IV all the time (Can push plat with some...

    Selling Endgame ACC LVL 77 2.1 MIL
    #1 Kovaris, 7/12/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
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