Sold Selling End game blu/cor/blm main. Easy end game solo/group farm. Details inside

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by temperaturesetting, 1/21/17.

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  1. temperaturesetting

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    Fully geared Blue Mage main with well-geared Corsair, Black Mage, and Thief. Great solo farming character for any and all content especially END GAME content. Great for group adaptation as well with the well-geared Corsair and Black Mage.

    This character is PERFECT for the player who wants to get back into FFXI and hop right into End Game, solo or with groups, without spending a ton of money.

    Bastok Rank 10

    Job Levels
    Warrior: 49
    Red Mage: 99
    Paladin: 91
    Ninja: 99
    Corsair: 99
    Black Mage: 99
    Thief: 99
    Blue Mage: 99
    Dancer: 49

    Zilart: Complete!
    Promathia: Complete!
    ToAU: Passing Glory
    WoTG: In the Name of the Father
    C.Prophecy: The Echo Awakens
    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
    A Shantotto Ascension: That Which Curdless Blood
    Abyssea: Meanwhile, Back on Abyssea
    Dynamis: All Access
    Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
    Rhapsodies of Vana'diel: Complete!

    Aeonic Weapon Quest (Sword)
    Escha Zi’Tah: ALL T1’s complete, T2 Ionos complete

    Noteable Items (Regular, Rare and Rare/EX)

    Wardrobe 1
    Animikii Bullet
    Ghastly Tathlum +1
    Vanir Battery
    Jukukik Feather
    Honed Tathlum
    Mavi Tathlum
    Dampening Tam
    Lanun Tricorne
    Pixie Hairpin +1
    Rawhide Mask
    Vanya Hood
    Aurore Beret +1
    Emet Harness +1
    Taeon Tabard (Mag. Acc. +15, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15, Fast Cast +3, Weapon skill damage +2%)
    Pursuer's Doublet (HP+ 50, Crit. hit rate +4%, Snapshot +6)
    Commodore Frac
    Telchine Gloves (MND +6, CHR +6, Potency of Cure effect received +4%)
    Leyline Gloves (Accuracy +15, Mag. Acc. +15, Mag Atk. Bns. +15, Fast Cast +3)
    Floral Gauntlets (Accuracy +15, Rng. Acc. +15, Triple Atk. +3, Magic dmg. taken -4%)
    Merlinic Dastanas (Mag. Acc. +26, Mag. Atk. Bns. +32, Drain and Aspir potency +10)
    Otomi Gloves
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Commodore Gants
    Adhemar Kecks (AGI +10, Rapid Shot +10, Enmity -5)
    Luhlaza Charuqs
    Pursuer's Gaiters
    Adhemar Gamashes (STR +10, DEX +10, Attack +15)
    Loricate Torque +1
    Lissome Necklace
    Deceiver's Torque
    Sanctity Necklace
    Warder's Charm +1
    Bathy Chocker +1
    Lanono Neck. +1
    Saevus Pendant +1
    Ygnas's Resolve +1
    Rancor Collar
    Light Gorget
    Prosilio Belt +1
    Chuq'aba Belt
    Witful Belt
    Impulse Belt
    Swith Cape
    Solemnity Cape
    Toutatis's Cape
    Engulfer Cape +1
    Bane Cape
    Repulse Mantle
    Pahtli Cape
    Navarch's Mantle
    Umbra Cape
    Barkarole Earring
    Mendicant's Earring
    Infused Earring
    Dudgeon Earring
    Heartseeker Earring
    Lifestorm Earring
    Psystorm Earring
    Tati Earring
    Tati Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Evanescence Ring
    Apate Ring
    Chirich Ring
    Overbearing Ring
    Mephitas's Ring +1
    Perception Ring
    Kunaji Ring
    Asklepian Ring
    Prolix Ring

    Wardrobe 2
    Taming Sari (DMG: +13, STR +8, DEX +9)
    Taming Sari (DMG: +9, STR +6, DEX +9)
    Colada (DMG: +8, DEX +12, Accuracy +6, Dbl. Atk. +3)
    Tanmogayi +1
    Fettering Blade
    Demersal Degen
    Ochu (DMG: +15, STR +10, DEX +10, Ninjutsu skill +10)
    Nibiru Cudgel (MP +50, INT +10, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15)
    Nibiru Cudgel (MP +50, INT +10, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15)
    Lathi (INT +15, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15, Mag. Acc. +15)
    Niobid Strap
    Adhemar Bonnet (DEX +10, AGI +10, Accuracy +15)
    Herculean Helm (STR +9, Mag. Acc. +28, Mag. Atk. Bns. +31, Fast Cast +1)
    Merlinic Hood (VIT +10, Mag. Acc. +26, Mag. Atk. Bns. +36, Magic burst dmg. +11%)
    Meghanada Visor +1
    Jhakri Coronal +1
    Adhemar Jacket (DEX +10, AGI +10, Accuracy +15)
    Amalric Doublet (MP +60, Mag. Acc. +15, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15)
    Meghanada Cuirie
    Jhakri Robe +1
    Spaekona's Coat +1
    Meghanada Gloves +1
    Jhakri Cuffs +1
    Adhemar Wristbands (DEX +10, AGI +10, Accuracy +15)
    Amalric Gages (INT +10, Mag. Acc. +15, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15)
    Herculean Gloves (DEX +4, Attack +28, Crit. hit rate +4%)
    Herculean Trousers (STR +9, Accuracy +14, Attack +12, Triple Atk. +4)
    Herculean Trousers (DEX +5, Mag. Acc. +19, Mag. Atk. Bns. +24, Crit. hit rate +4%)
    Meghanada Chausses +1
    Jhakri Slops +1
    Amalric Slops (MP +60, Mag. Acc. +15, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15)
    MMeghanada Jambeaux +1
    Jhakri Pigaches +1
    Taeon Boots (Mag. Acc. +13, Mag. Atk. Bns. +13, Enmity -2, Weapon skill damage +2%)
    Medium's Sabots (MP +15, MND +2, Cure potency +2%)
    Herulean Boots (Mag. Acc. ++29, Mag. Atk. Bns. +33, Weapon skill damage +3%)
    Herulean Boots (Accuracy +29, Triple Atk. +4)
    Merlinic Crackows (CHR +3, Mag. Acc. +24, Mag. Atk. Bns. +24, Magic burst dmg. +10%
    Thereoid Greaves
    Waylayer's Scarf +1
    Asperity Necklace
    Ej Necklace
    Stoicheion Medal
    Kwahu Kachina Belt
    Kentarch Belt +1
    Windbuffet Belt +1
    Flume Belt
    Fotia Belt
    Salire Belt
    Taranus's Cape (INT +20, Mag. Atk. Bns. +10, Mag. Acc. +20/Mag. Dmg. +20)
    Rosmerta's Cape (Fast Cast +10)
    Rosmerta's Cape (DEX +30, Accuracy +20, Attack +20, Crit. hit rate +10%)
    Rosmerta's Cape (DEX +20, Accuracy +20, Attack +20, Store TP +10)
    Camulus's Mantle (DEX +20, Accuracy +25, Attack +20, Dual Wield +10)
    Cornflower Cape (MP +20, DEX +1, Accuracy +3, Blue magic skill +8)
    Gunslinger's Cape (Mag. Atk. Bns. +4, Enmity -3, Weapon skill damage +3%)
    Mache Earring
    Mache Earring
    Ishvara Earring
    Friomisi Earring
    Steelflash Earring
    Bladeborn Earring
    Loquacious Earring
    Brutal Earring
    Moldavite Earring
    Petrov Ring
    Hajduk Ring
    Ifrit Ring
    Ramuh Ring
    Shiva Ring +1
    Fenrir Ring
    Haverton Ring
    Barataria Ring
    Paqichikaji Ring
    Locus Ring
    Epona's Ring
    Mujin Band
    Defending Ring

    Wardrobe 3
    Himetsuruichimonji (STR +9, Accuracy +10, Attack +10, Quadruple Attack +2)
    Irenic Strap
    Mensch Strap
    Carmine Mask (Accuracy +15, Mag. Acc. +10, Fast Cast +3)
    Hizamaru Haramaki
    Foppish Runica
    Onca Suit
    Carmine Cuisses
    Gyve Trousers
    Assiduity Pants +1
    Carmine Greaves
    Fajin Boots
    Ocachi Gorget
    Nuna Gorget +1
    Bleating Mantle
    Ghostfyre Cape
    Shadow Mantle
    Leviathan Ring
    Leviathan Ring
    Yacuruna Ring
    Acumen Ring
    Stormsoul Ring
    Stormsoul Ring
    Thundersoul Ring
    Aquasoul Ring
    Mouflon Ring
    Oneiros Belt
    Alhazen Hat

    Other Items
    Uac Jerkin
    Bewitched Finger Gauntlets
    Assassin's Armlets
    Assassin's Poulaines
    Rogue's Poulaines
    Kaabnax Hat
    Dominance Earring
    Rawhide Vest
    Pillager's Vest +1
    Tatenashi Haidate +1
    Taeon Tights (Mag. Acc. +14, Mag. Atk. Bns. +14, Enmity -3, Weapon skill damage +3%)
    Twilight Torque
    Claideamh Souluis
    Nexus Cape
    Trotter Boots
    Pillager's Armlets +1
    Jumalik Mail
    Founder's Breastplate
    Telchine Braconi (MP +8, Potency of Cure effects received +5%)
    Samnuha Coat (Mag. Acc. +12, Mag. Atk. Bns. +12, Dual Wield +3)
    Rawhide Gloves
    Psycloth Manillas
    Psycloth Lappas
    Samnuha Tights (STR +8, DEX +9, Dbl. Atk. +3, Triple Atk. +2)
    Lengo Pants
    Mecistopins Mantle (HP +23, DEF +11, Mag. Acc. +1, Capacity Point +30%)
    Iris (Blue magic skill +15, Mag. Acc. +15, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15)
    Iris (Blue magic skill +15, Mag. Acc. +15, Mag. Atk. Bns. +15)
    Odyssean Cuisses
    Yarak Torque
    Cloud Hairpin +1
    Mauler's Mantle
    Mending Cape
    Yokaze MAntle
    Toetapper MAntle
    Lifestream Cape
    Twilight Cape
    Rajas Ring

    Damascene Cloth
    Bomb Queen Core
    T. Whiteshell x2
    O. Bronzepiece x5
    1 Byne Bill x1
    Platinum Silk
    Helm of Briareus x3
    Navarch's Seal: Head
    Iga Seal: Body
    Ravager's Seal: Hands
    Navarch's seal: Hands x2
    Charis Seal: Hands x3
    Mavi Seal: Legs
    Raider's Seal: Feet x4
    Creed Seal: Feet x4
    Mavi Seal: Feet x4
    Navarch's Seal: Feet x4
    Iron Plate x4
    Forgotten Touch x30
    Liminal Residue x1
    Faithful's Torso I x2
    Faithful's Legs II x2
    Airlixir x30
    Aitlixir +1 x6
    Pluton x3
    Beitetsu x12
    Rem's Tale Ch.1 x6
    Rem's Tale Ch.3 x9
    Rem's Tale Ch.4 x12
    Rem's Tale Ch.5 x2
    Rem's Tale Ch.6 x22
    Rem's Tale Ch.7 x5
    Rem's Tale Ch.8 x9
    Rem's Tale Ch.9 x153
    Rem's Tale Ch.10 x18
    Copper Voucher x6
    Sif's Lock x1
    Bushin Abj. Hands
    Bushin Abj. Feet
    Vale Abj. Legs
    Shinryu Abj. Feet
    Leaforb Stone x6
    Leaforb Stone +1 x2
    Leaforb Stone +2 x1
    Intuila's Hide x6
    Mephitas's Claw x4
    Specter's Ore x1
    Gravewood Log x1
    Ashweed x2
    Eschalixir x35
    Eschalixir +1 x23
    Eschalixir +2 x6
    Garbage Gel's Mucus x5
    Bakunawa's Ink x3
    Cronian Abj. Legs
    Arean Abj. Head
    Arean Abj. Feet
    Cyllenian Abj. Feet
    Sarama's Hide x3
    Abdhaljs Thread x18
    Abdhaljs Dust x4
    Abdhaljs Dye x1
    Ambuscade Voucher: Feet +1
    Coin of Advancement x51
    Coin of Decay x67
    Coin of Glory x2
    Coin of Ruin x50

    Gil on-hand: 1,936,210
    Conquest Points: 231,937
    Daily Tally: 1,340
    Sparks of Eminence: 61,402
    Imperial Standing: 48,957
    Tokens: 7770
    Cruor: 1,020,935
    Dominion Notes: 2370
    Unity Accolades: 31,277
    Login Points: 500
    Bayld: 26,368
    Kinetic Units: 15,694
    Obsidian Fragments: 520
    Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 375
    Escha Silt: 1,251,980
    Escha Beads: 1,886

    Max HP 15
    Max MP 15
    Max Merit Points 29 (59/59)

    STR 5
    DEX 15
    AGI 2
    INT 15

    Sword 8
    Club 8
    Staff 8
    Marksmanship 8

    Enhancing 8
    Enfeebling 8
    Elemental 8
    Dark Magic 8
    Blue Magic 8

    Critical Hit Rate 5
    Spell Interruption Rate 5

    Requiescat 5
    Realmrazer 1
    Last Stand 1

    Black Mage 10/10
    Red Mage 7/10
    Thief 10/10
    Blue Mage 10/10
    Corsair 10/10

    Job Points:
    Black Mage: 198 (2)
    Thief: 2 (1)
    Blue Mage: 1340 (4)
    Corsair: 31 (8)

    Trusts: 63
    Including August, Amchuchu, Shantotto II, AAGK, AAEV, and many more.

    Escha Vorseals
    HP+,MP+ 7
    Acc.+, Eva+ 5
    DEF+ 5
    Atk./Rng. Atk 4
    Mag. Acc.+, Mag. Eva.+ 5
    Mag. Def.+ 7
    Mag. Atk.+ 6
    DEX+, AGI+ 4
    STR+, VIT+ 5
    INT+, MND+, CHR+ 6
    Occ ignore damage 2
    Killer+ 2
    Dmg. Taken 2
    Spoils 5
    Rare Enemy+ 4
    Luck+ 4
    Refresh 2
    Acc.++ 5

    Character has plenty of other items that I didn't list just because I got lazy, but from the list above, you can see this character is well geared and can easily farm Reisenjima.

    I've used this character to farm Geas Fete in Escha Zi'Tah, Escha Ru'Aun and T1's in Reisenjima on Blue Mage solo. Selling drops from T1 Reisenjima mobs will net a nice profit which is what I used to do.

    Bidding start: $300
    Buyout: $650

    Accepting Verified PayPal payments only. I’m fine with using a TRUSTED middle man, it’s up to you.
    If you want to make the trade quickly without a middle man, payment is required first and upon payment clearing, account will be given.

    Current GearSwap LUA’s will be provided if requested.

    Willing to provide screen shots of character, items, levels, etc. as requested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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