I have put in a lot of time and money into this game and I'm done playing it. The game was fun, but I no longer have time to play it. It is rank 331, in one of the best guilds out there, has 95% GGC cleared, all story, all raids, 95% of trials. There are a lot of raid orbs and 7* orbs too. The account has 21 omni units and over 40 omni capable units. It also has limited units such as Rain, Feng, Sakura Miku, etc. I'll only accept PayPal as payment. It's attatched to a dummy Facebook.. The price I want for the account is $275-350 USD[PRICE #]. I came up with the rice based on the time and money I invested into the account. IF you are looking for a great end game account to start with. This is definitely a good choice. To contact me, either here, Skype:Minecraftman720 Line:xiBlaznAzn Email:[email protected] I will provide pictures once you contact me!