Selling End-game account, 150+ Unique SB's, Full synergy most realms, torment CM

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rohit, 3/12/17.

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  1. Rohit

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    Selling end-game account due to lack of free time. (spend over €1000)

    Almost day 1 account is well set for mastering torment CM's and clear all end game content easily with full synergy for many realms.

    16+ million gold, 70 mythril and counting, mastered all dungeons since account was created and cleared most Cid's missions including Torment.

    171 stamina, still 50+ mythril to collect from campaigns

    8 STAR
    6 unique SB's

    7 STAR
    5+ items

    6 STAR
    20+ items

    5 STAR+
    The account has OVER 150 SB'S including 4 OSB's, 10+ BSSB's, tons of SSB's and regular SB's
    P. Cecil - OSB Arc of Light
    Squall - OSB Sub-Zero Blast , BSB Lion's Roar
    Rinoa - OSB Angelstar
    Tidus - OSB Energy Rain, Leap&Rush, Slice&Dice
    Onion Knight - BSB Vessel of Fate, SSB Onion Slice
    Ashe - BSB Dusk's Decree
    Hope - BSB Divin Judgement, Earthquake
    Cloud - BSB Fenrir OD, Climhazzard, Blade Beam
    Yuna - BSB Tenets of the Fayth, SSB Miracle veil, Hymn of the Fayth, The Sending
    Kain - BSB Dragoon's Pride
    Zidane - BSB Stellar Circle 5, SSB Storm Impulse
    Beatrix - BSB Knight Protector, SSB Seiken Stock, Seiken Stock Break
    Locke - BSB Mirage Phoenix, Valiant Strike
    Celes - SSB Indomitable Blade, Magic Shield
    Y'shtola - SSB Aetherial Pulse, Stoneskin II, Medica II
    Zack - BSB Meteor Shots, SSB Apocalypse
    Ramza - SSB Shout, Tailwind
    Rikku - BSB Machinations, SSB Master Thief
    Serah - SSB Endless Blessings, Clock Master
    Papalymo - SSB Ley Lines
    Arc - SSB Word of Kindness, SSB Renewing Rains, Soothing Light
    Fujin - SSB Zan, Jin

    And many many more like Sentinel's Grimoire, Miracle Prayer, Dreamstage, Divine Guardian, Heroic Harmony, Deployment Tactics, Banishing Blade, Apocalypse Shield, Ruim Impendant ect..

    All BSB/OSB characters are 99 (over 20+ characters are 99)
    Tons of eggs left for more 99 boosting


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