Selling Selling [EN] Rank 243, URs 58 - inc 8 Promos and 9 Unidolized.

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pushuu, 3/16/17.

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  1. Pushuu

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    Selling this epic heavy whale account (spent about $10000+) due to many commitments happening.

    Here is the link for my account

    This account can compete some of highly recognition players inc OtakuRebrn and Coolguy (Rank 655 on EN, making him 2nd highest Rank). It has the potential to get you to top 100 throughout ALL SONG RANK EVENTS.

    Offering this account for $1500USD as I've spent a lot of money in this game but offers are welcome.

    Any questions please contact me. Best way would be to message me on Twitter @PushuuSIF.

    Happy buying.

    *Depending on the situation, you may get to the top 100 in song rankings if you can perform Full Combo in all of the song events. It is not guranteed you will get to the top 100 as there are potential whalers who could outranked you in the future. However I have yet to experience this.

    Also Score Match might not get you to the top 100 as it is different to other events like Challenge, Medley and Token events. You can watch this video for more information about Score Match Song Rankings (yes its JP but it will happen to EN)
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