Selling Selling [EN] Rank 128, 3 idlz UR [tricolor], 10 UR, 3 idlz SSR

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by catscout, 3/15/17.

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  1. catscout

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    I'm considering selling my EN main account because I simply want to focus solely on my JP main.
    I don't have the will to keep up with this EN account anymore.
    I'm still not 100% sure I want to sell it, but I'm going to put this ad here and see if it gets any responses/offers. No harm in throwing an interest check out there.

    Rank: 128
    Farmable: Not very (The account is about 2 years old and was a main so most N+R stories have been unlocked, most EX and Master songs have been cleared, will gain farmable assets as new content comes, still very farmable via SRs)
    SS Abuse: Little (Some SRs have been sold to the SS without being idlz/maxed out, but this hasn't been done in huge amounts- it should not cause any problems)

    IDLZ Pool Hanamaru
    IDLZ Mermaid Nozomi
    IDLZ Seven Lucky Gods Nico
    Snowy Mountain Kotori
    March Hanayo
    Marine Nozomi
    China Dress Kotori
    January Umi*
    Cyber Honoka
    Constellation Rin
    Halloween Nozomi
    Wedding Dress Eli
    January Honoka*
    * UR PAIR

    Promo URs:
    Samurai Nico
    Illustration Book 2 Nico
    Christmas Maki
    Popular Costume Honoka, Kotori, Umi
    Cherry Hanayo
    Snowboarder You

    IDLZ Halloween Ruby
    IDLZ Halloween Chika
    IDLZ Initial Dia
    Initial Rin

    Screenshots: (Screenshots given a color filter and watermark to prevent them being stolen and edited) (Member list page 1, shows URs and SSRs) (Member list page 2, shows the remaining SRs and some R and N cards)

    Tentative Starting Price: 200-300 USD
    Price is #, so please feel free to make an offer- but please only serious offers and nothing below 3 digits.
    I will only take payment via Google Wallet.
    If you'd like to negotiate privately, send an e-mail to tarotrabbit1996[at]gmail[dot]com
    I should respond quickly to e-mails!

    If this account doesn't get any offers or interest, I'll simply keep it, but if I get a serious and fair offer, I'll consider handing it over.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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