Selling Selling [EN] 9 URs, 13 PURs, 4 SSRs, 31 SRs

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ajnigobl, 5/20/17.

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  1. ajnigobl

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    ⭐2 IDOLIZED URs (Marine Umi by copy, Valentine Nico by Initial Umi seal)
    ⭐Other URs are White day pair (Umi & Hanayo), Victorian Kotori, Swimsuit Hanamaru, Initial Chika, Cafe Maid Rin, and Initial Nozomi.
    ⭐Rank 131 with 300+ MBs.
    ⭐Quite SS abused, 18 SRs, 3 SSRs, and 1 UR were sold.
    ⭐Regarding payment, I can only accept GPC for now and am willing to sell for $25 for a very quick deal. I'll see if I can contact a friend to use their Paypal account.
    ⭐More info/SS, e-mail me at [email protected] or Instagram. (isara.mayo) or twitter (cyo_mikki).

    I'm in need of money and it'd mean so much if you could buy/spread the word. Thank you and have a good day!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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