As the title states selling my account as I no longer play http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1497031429/b83jw7wymrcm5ubdaabr.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1497031470/dhpbsbloozh0plnnn0uu.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1497031477/cky7de7tiv3sowlijefb.jpg Account comes with everything shown Reaper on most chars Comes with unique IGNS +10 Perki Wep Ara IB Sets Bank Sharing Has 500mil left and some extra stuff i'm too lazy to check If you need more ss's feel free to ask I'm looking for 250$(Paypal Gift I'm not in the mood to go through some bs dispute) Price is # i'm flexible just offer me, no lowballs Payment first unless you get yourself a middleman that's verified here Feel free to contact me here on the forums, leave a reply with your discord or email or w.e and i'll contact you back