Sold Selling [Elsword Void] 4.5b = 100$

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by elemmii151, 1/5/17.

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  1. elemmii151

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    Hi everyone, Im new on this website, not new on this kind of transaction, I was a buyer but now I think I can sell too

    This is the better rate you can get at the time on the server, also you dont need to worry for the PGC bans, its a plus after all

    This is how it works:

    1- Send PM and we can talk via Skype or other website

    2- After of clarifiy the amount of ED etc. you donate the money on my PayPal (I'll send the info via Skype, etc.)

    3- Tell me the IGN of the character who gonna recive the ED (Via mail with the ticket system)

    4- You get the ED

    Also, this is how I want to work, is not # also with my rates, If you dont like it, dont buy

    Stock: 2.25b

    So yeah, I want to do this from a long time, looking for long terms buyers and all the stuff, Im waiting for you PM!
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