Sold Selling Elsword NA S> Rena & Eve Ibs etc

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lttp0001, 3/13/17.

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  1. Lttp0001

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    Quitting sale
    Ibs for rena & eve, taking paypal, may take ed/ammys/forces too.
    Buyer seals.


    HL 9/9 (fully saged maxi)
    SS bow & shades
    HU 8/9
    RM blue 4/4
    CM hair & const.
    AP 4/4 combo
    NBS 5/5 & bow
    SE tracer ¦ GF wings
    DY spirits ¦ RMF foxfire
    GL hair ¦ ETS2 hair
    SG hair ¦ TDI hair

    HL 9/9 (fully saged maxi)
    SS drones & shades
    HU 8/9
    RM black 4/4 & 2/4 acc
    CM hair & const.
    AP hair & 2/4 acc
    PGG hair & horns
    MA light & mark
    SE tracer ¦ DY spirits
    NBS 4/4
    VAK hair

    *most weapons are saged maxi

    misc stuffs
    halloween sit pose, eve seal sit pose
    classic maid navy skill cut in
    rose heart eyes
    rose trump bunny skill cut ins - black
    japan bunny ears - black
    japan cherry blossom effect
    + other misc IM accessories

    pm me to negotiate, thanks.​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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