I'm selling my account for Elsword NA. It has 3 main characters: Crimson Rose (94), MasterMind (90), NB ( 85) All characters have Secret Dungeon full sets fully socketed. All characters have fully trained White Miho pets, B and Trans slots unlocked, all skills unlocked. CR was my main so I kept her 8/8 Perkisas IB Set fully saged with highest possible rolls of Maximize. Full SD set with +8 weapon and highest stats possible in every single slotof armor and weapon. She also has a permanent Rickshaw Phoru Mount MM has full SD set +8 with legend weapon +9 fully socketed with highest stats possible in every single slot of armor and weapon. I'm looking to sell it quickly since I need the money in a hurry due to medical bills. I will only ask for $200 for the entire account. Contact me on Skype paladinn24