Sold Selling Elsword NA Account Cheap (well geared)

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DarkMaster33, 3/18/17.

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  1. DarkMaster33

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    2x level 99 elesis (the main elesis is transcendenced)
    level 10 Alchemist, level10 Blacksmith.
    item level 245 "characters can share same op gear via bankshare"
    +11 weapon/+11gears - all full sage
    Many costume/accessory vak/DK/perkisas/Elitron legendaries
    el resonance level 160
    400 sage stones in shared bank
    leader of lvl 15guild
    3 other alts level +90
    many pvp/ereda/pve titles.
    Mounts: rickshaw/perkisas/sacred fox/senrahi/ancent phoru/cockatigle
    pets:blue miho/white Sheriff/elezabith/black dragon/mythic
    +600 resurrection stones +300 el tree fruit in your main pet bag slots
    Main Elesis pic of current stats:

    the account worth hundreds of dollars but I'm selling it for 130$
    why this cheap? I already sold all my internet life for thousand of $$$$ and getting rid of this with any price to focus on reality

    PM me or contact me via skype: gettingridofthis3
    so we talk about the deal and also I can answer any question regarding account/items/characters and give screenshots if needed.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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