Selling Elite: Dangerous + Horizons with Cutter and Vette and 3.977 Billion assets

Discussion in 'Elite Dangerous Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RockRyderED, 5/18/17.

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  1. RockRyderED

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    Account has fully grade 5 Corvette set up for PVE bounty hunting. Has both a Cutter and an Anaconda both set up as basic mission runner/utility ships. All 20 engineers unlocked including Palin for the dirty drives level 5 upgrade. 3.977 Billion creds total assets. 2.67 billion creds cash on hand.

    Trade: Broker
    Combat: Dangerous
    Explorer: Elite

    Founder's world open

    Data and Materials all bouncing off max all the time.

    Nothing left to unlock. No more grinding to be done. All three big ships already in inventory and all the cash you might ever want to play around with them or any other ships of your choosing. Plenty of grade 4 and grade 5 mats in inventory to god build whatever ship strikes your fancy.

    This is a crazy over built end game account. I see other accounts with less resources available than this one listing for around $1500 US. I'd like to get $1200 US for this one. I want to level another account as soon as I can. Paypal preferred as it's very easy and familiar to most of us.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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