Selling elf account: 30m Might + LVL62 + 3 Cities in World Bilbo42 (English)

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    Hello everyone, I am selling my Hobbit:KOM elf account cause I don't have time to play. The Account has 3 cities of course with are built up to maximize resource production and troop building. Facts: -all buildings in all cities are lvl 9 (+ 1 Academy lvl 10) -more than 30m might (no wall defense of course; ranked in top 500 in might) -might per week is at the moment more than 3m -top heroes: lvl 160, lvl 79 and lvl78 -all research on lvl 9, some on lvl 10: Far Seeing, Honed Blades, Cartography, Engineering (Vigor will be lvl 10 in 5 days) -number of troops: more than 1.2m T1 troops, more than 650.000 T2 troops, more than 550.000 T3 troops, 350 T4 troops -very good reputation, no haters, no spamming in global chat, no alliance changing, the account is in a very nice guild -Campaign "Clearing the High Pass" is cleared Items: -lots of resource-production runes for 24h and 7 days -lots of combat-runes -some speed-ups -7x Radagast
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