Selling Selling EK 152 + 4 other mid level characters. 5% loyalty

Discussion in 'Tibia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bokorin, 7/26/17.

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  1. Bokorin

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    Hello i am selling this account with 5 characters:

    World 1 Open PVP:
    152 EK 107/102
    61 RP 110/101
    60 MS 71 ML
    60 ED 70 ML

    World 2 Optional PVP:
    90 EK 106/101

    The characters are fully geared as seen on pictures. The account has at least 6-7KK worth in items/gold.
    The account has 660 loyalty points, 5% skill bonus.

    I am looking for 110 USD or 3500 Tibia coins. I don't go first, i deliver the account with registered e-mail. You can message me at [email protected]

    Thank you :)


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