Selling  Average Selling Dynasty Legends 2 account with Zhou yu +3 (Europe/Middle east server 49)

Discussion in 'Dynasty Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by yoyo01230, 6/9/23.

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  1. yoyo01230

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    Hey all I’m looking to sell my account as my work requires me to work abroad and cannot log in due to different time zones. My account at the current moment is 8.5 mil BR with Zhou yu +3. It’s server 49 and currently with the strongest guild in that battle zone so you will always get the best rewards. Top 10 BR account in its battle zone. The account is popular for its PVP skills as I’ve hit hall of fame in 3v3 numerous times and is considered one of the best players.

    I’ve recharged a total of around 11500 recharge points so I’m willing to look for offers. My discord is McDonaldTrump#0479
    I can send any photos you need. I’ve spent about £1800 on the account.

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