{ Stage 42} If you have any question, feel free to message me! Made it to King of Games last season with Daedalus deck. At the moment i'm Plat 3. 58 Duel Orbs for farming! Dark Magician Girl Playmat! Toon World Sleeves and Playmat! All characters unlocked including Pegasus. 35 UR cards, 63 SR cards, around 150+ R cards. Coins: 45802 Gems: 28 Cards Total: 1698 PvP Score: 206-62 Ranked Score: 128-53 Mai Valentine - Level 30 Mako Tsunami - Level 30 Bandit Keith - Level 30 Yami Yugi - Level 15 Rex Raptor - Level 15 Tea Gardner - Level 10 Joey Wheeler - Level 5 Weevil Underwood - Level 3 Ishizu Ishtar - Level 3 Odion - Level 2 Seto Kaiba - Level 1 Maximillion Pegasus - Level 1 Other notes: 68 Pack Left in "The Ultimate Rising". Have all 3 Thunder Dragons and Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. x3 Levia-Daragon - Dardalus!
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