DISCORD : PRICE : $50,00 USD Aimbot like incredibly strong Aim Assist 0.6 Aim Assist(Console Aim Assist) Perfect Horizontal & Vertical Recoil when aiming on targets Perfect Mid to Long range Recoil when aiming on targets Native Mouse Inputs Native Keyboard Inputs Mouse and Keyboard Ground looting Mouse and Keyboard Box looting while holding the interact button(Use your crouch button or escape button to exit out of the box to go back to Controller) 100% build around DS4Native JoyToKey Auto Tap/Neostrafe support without accessing the config(Still does require JoyToKey to be opened. 1 Button automatic superglide(Not as effective as a normal superglide but just scroll down after climbing and obstacle and it will superglide.) Wall Skipping(Skipping a wall climb animation and by tapstrafing over it through a wall bounce.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [HOW TO USE THE RECOIL CONTROL] Recoil control is only activated whenever you are aiming at a target, there is no recoil control whenever you are not shooting at targets. This ensures that you do not get banned but it also makes it possible to have perfect recoil control on every weapon without having certain weapons pull down to much. If some weapons do have recoil then the anti-recoil always stops at the head level so in those cases you need to apply little to no effort to do minimal recoil control yourself. [WALL BOUNCE & AUTO MOVEMENT] In-order to have full zero delay movement in Apex Legends with REWASD as well as the ability to execute well timed wall jumps you need to bind your jump button in the game to either scroll wheel up or down. You can not successfully do wall jumps with the spacebar or stack them consistently the same goes for Neostrafing and Auto Tapstrafe. This config does not use a Turbo on the spacebar to minimize the input delay and it won't be part of the final configuration either so best for you is to learn jumping with your scroll wheel up or down. All you need to do to Neostrafe is sprint forward and while pressing the crouch button repeatedly scroll down or even up and down if you have set both scroll wheel up and down to your jump keys in the game and while holding the crouch button and repeatedly scrolling up and down when coming from a forward sprint start pressing your W + A + S + D Keys in the order as written or press them as W + D + S + A to execute a Neostrafe. To Auto Tapstrafe you simply sprint forward and then scroll down/up or press spacebar while at the same time pressing the A or D key. The best way this works for me is doing it while also crouching at the same time so I can directly after Neostrafe. [AUTO SUPERGLIDE] In-order to auto-superglide you do need to have your jump input in the game itself set to Scroll Wheel up or Scroll Wheel down. Then just climb an object and scroll up or down at the end of your climb and you will automatically Superglide. It's not as powerful as a normal Superglide but it's there and that's what is most important. Important Note: Do not try to use a macro inside your keyboard to do a scroll wheel through pressing a keyboard or mouse button other then then scroll wheel as that will not work. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Warzone config + apex config