Selling Dragon Nest SEA Account (Hollywood) with full info http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1482287773/osm0w0jlvvlrhiflvfmk.jpg FD=6612 ( mixture of fd plates level 70/80/90 and 93) + one Genesis ring Included 200k DNP FULL RDNL+12 for Glad, Raven, Inqui FULL RDNL+12 for weapons and +10 for rest of the parts for Barb Other chars 1 x Saint, 2 x guard, 1xML, 2 x Kali, 1 x AW ( all level 90 but not geared ) Glad, Raven and Inqui has full new epic set with new epic weapons Raven has full Iona accessories too Msg me at wechat ( PiscaZ ) then we can talk about price. If you are at sg then we can meet up for deal too.