Selling Selling Dragon Lord accont lvl 60 Oracle all costumes etc.

Discussion in 'Dragon's Prophet Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    I am selling my dragon lord account on DP I used to enjoy the game but now it has gotten rather boring for me I will begin with the features of my account.

    *All Dragon stable and carry slots unlocked

    *All Inventory slots unlcoked

    * lvl 60 Weapon/Armor Smithing 40ish chef

    * Has Diamond Bulwark, Fungal Bloom, and Primal Star Legendary Dragons(Runewaker is a given of coruse)

    with a few semi rares Blinktail Typhoon for example

    *Owns every Costume on the cash shop to date

    *Decently geared mostly blues and greens

    * has a few random cashshop items still like 10 dragon drives and teleport stones

    * and MORE!

    Looking to sell for $200 or best offer

    link below to photobucket album with screenshot proof

    DP Photos by Xilanis | Photobucket


    Is this still for sale? I'm interested. Added you on Skype.

    Yes Still selling if you're still interested Accepted invite on skype Should be on for the majority of the weekend just get up with me and I'll sell it!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sold Thanks Bowie
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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