Sold Selling Dragon Blaze NA Great Acc 11+ trans 1 ULT 9 MAX tons of stuff

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fortmarket, 10/20/17.

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  1. Fortmarket

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    Transcended : All have full set item 111+
    And all 117 ether at max or ULT on mules and in storage to switch to
    ULT : Margaret
    Max: Shadow Howl, Llywelyn, Blackaria, Manalady, Falcon, Foxy, Mikaela, Bloodwind, Kymael

    Not max: Ravengale
    Buster : All Ultimate

    Except: Chronos, Hyperion, Atlas, Morgana, Shiva, Stigma
    Deify : 27, 95+ SSS, 42+SS

    Gold: 526031879

    Ruby: 27831

    Friend point: 53739

    Coin: 17958

    Essences: hero 149 - light 130 - titan 111 - trans 151

    Arena: <5%

    RoB: <5%

    Worldboss: <5% depend on the boss

    Fortress Battle : <1%

    Guild battle: <5%

    Pics here

    PayPal only
    Taking offers

    Message me on line or by email for more info
    Line - fortmarket
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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