Sold Selling Dragon blaze Account EU for Sell (3 Max Trans)

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Poli36, 9/26/17.

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  1. Poli36

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    Dragon blaze Account EU for Sell (3 Max Trans)

    Hello all Today i have Account for sell in Dragon blaze EU Server here it is What is in This Account
    Paladin 116
    Priest 111
    Rogue 111
    Mage 108
    Deify Ally 17
    Bella ult
    Ruler time Helios Ult
    Karang Ult
    WindLune Ult
    Falcone Ult
    Tethys Ult
    Gatekeeper Ult
    Tiel Ult
    Azur ult
    Lucinne Ult
    Mercedes Ult
    Howl Ult
    Immortal summoner ult
    Mana Ult
    Farah Ult
    King Gram (base)
    Brightspark (base)

    Dragon buster
    Lota (base)
    Omega +Ult
    Dark Soul
    Askr Ult
    Sasha Ult
    Thanatos Ult
    Tiehr Ult
    Helios ult
    Tethys Ult

    Lilywelyn +Max
    Blackaria + Mx
    DeathCrown +max
    Kymael (base)
    Revangale (base)

    4Active Link
    38 sss Ally (+some sss Ally in mail
    20ss Ally
    3000 Rubies
    180mil gold
    2980 ticket
    952 shose
    Gear 111
    300+ light titan hero ess
    50 trans ess
    1375 Scrolls

    If you Are interested please mail me with offer [email protected]
    I selling account with mail
    So all will be good
    My Price is 150 euro
    PayPal Only
    But we can Negotiate
    Thank you and I am waiting for some message in forum or mail
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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