Sold Selling Don't miss this opportunity! Saviors, costumes, & many more!

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Skydevildiver, 5/18/17.

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  1. Skydevildiver

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    Hello and welcome to my sell thread. It's been a awhile since I've sold anything valuable other than gold so here I am once again trying to sell something good to you guys. Anyway, I've been thinking for a long while about whether selling this wonderful account or not. It seems that I need to move on to other games since I've already accomplished my goals on DFO. Honestly, I had a blast playing DFO and this is probably the only 2D game I enjoyed the most out of every other games I played in the past. One lucky buyer will have a chance to purchase this account and enjoy many wonderful things from it such as multiple characters and nice looking costumes etc. Read along if you're interested to find out what's instore for you!


    :::::::::::::::::::::What You Can Expect From This Account:::::::::::::::::::::

    1. Multiple high level "geared" characters
    2. Over 20+++ high level alts
    3. Numerous characters capable of "Anton Raid"
    4. Many costumes on different characters
    5. A stash full of materials and potion that will help you with awakening quests & aid you in dungeons etc.
    6. Account filled with characters capable of gold farming pretty quickly
    7. Farm countless of epic souls and use them to FARM EPICS ON YOUR ALTS!

    :::::::::::::::::::::Account Perks:::::::::::::::::::::

    If you buy my account with a good offer that I'm pleased with, I will offer the following perks listed below

    1. Youtube videos for each raidable characters on how to raid properly and successfully
    2. One Month of my online support for your Raid Characters, how to use each character, general questions, or anything you have in mind etc.
    3. A list of leads of Anton Raid Leaders where you can get access into raids easier.



    :::::::::::::::::::::Characters::::::::::::::::::: ::
    Level 90 Saint
    Raid Acceptance Chance - 99%
    1. 9 piece Vow of Silence[SOME AMP'ED PIECES + ALL UPGRADED TO LEVEL 90]

    2,600+ Vitality
    DESCRIPTION: Absolutely the only best type of class for any Anton Raid group and even LUKE RAID![Not released yet!]. Saints are a beloved class and wanted in every raid available as long as it's not full! Nothing can compete against this hunk when it comes to raid priority. With over over 2,600 Vitality, you can access to any dungeons of Anton Raid. Nothing beats this class, PERIOD.

    Level 90 Nen Empress
    Raid Acceptance Chance - 95%
    1. 6 piece Gracia + 3/3 Gigantic Presence Accessory Set
    2. +10 Reinforcement Savior Tonfa
    3. Untradable Rare Avatar Clone Set 8/8
    4. Full Khai Swap & level 30 Khai(+3 Khai Angelic Power, 3x Light of Divine Flower Accessory, +1 Khai Sea Gods Belt, +1 Khai Wool Coat of Lat Top, +1 Khai High Tech Fighter Ring, +2 Khai Sweet Dreamer Title, +1Khai Nornil Pet, +1 Khai Untradeable Rare Clone Top Avatar, & some tainted pieces that gives Khai)
    5. 9 Piece Luminous Fist Set
    DESCRIPTION: This bubbly cute nen is fabulous in every way. Adorable looking with it's current avatar costume and the swap gear it has, makes this gorgeous beauty an ultimate pick for Anton Raid. Although It's not as favorable as Saints in Raids but it has very high acceptance chance to get into raids. Not only that, she has some amazing dps gear which will aid you and your party in any raid dungeons. Most female nens just have swap gear for Anton Raid but this beauty here have a dps gear along with it which most female nens don't, which makes this class a priority over other female nens easily. Without a doubt, this class is probably the 2nd best character(a bit above Vagabound) for raid acceptance. This type of class can be funded cheaply and it's easy to use!

    Level 90 Blade Dancer
    Raid Acceptance Chance - 92%
    1. 5/5Eyeshield LaDainian Set[Lvl 85]
    2. 5/5 Forbidden Contract Set[Lvl 85]
    3. 5/5 Assassin's Attitude Set[Lvl 85]
    4. 5/5 Crow Ceremony Day Set[Lvl 90, UPGRADABLE]
    5. 3/3Ice Princess Breathe Accessory Set[Lvl 85]
    6. 3/3 CIV

    ::Incomplete Sets On BladeDancer::
    7. 4/5
    NaturalGuardian Set[Lvl 85]
    8. 4/5 Black Formal Set[Lvl 90, UPGRADABLE]9. 4/5Centurion Hero Set[Lvl 90, UPGRADABLE]10. 4/5 Ancient War Goddess Set[Lvl 90, UPGRADABLE]
    11. 4/5 Wesley's Strategy Set[Lvl 85](ALSO KNOWN AS TACTICAL SET)
    12. 4/5 Spider Queen's Breath Set[Lvl 85]
    13. 4/5 Mana Vortex Set[Lvl 85]
    14. 3/5 Resplendent Honor Symbol Set[Lvl 90, UPGRADABLE]

    ::Incomplete Accessory Sets On BladeDancer::
    15. 2/3 Sensory Satisfaction Set[Lvl 90]
    16. 2/3 Sky Traveler Set[Lvl 90]
    17. 2/3 Refined Otherverse Magic Stone Set[Lvl 85]

    Level 90 Asura
    Raid Acceptance Chance - 77%

    Level 90 Majesty
    Raid Acceptance Chance - 86%

    Level 90 Nen Emperor

    Raid Acceptance Chance - 71%

    Level 90 Draconid

    Raid Acceptance Chance - 72%

    Level 90 Demon God
    Raid Acceptance Chance - 68%

    Level 90 Aiolos

    Raid Acceptance Chance - 63%


    CONTACT INFO: [email protected] ON SKYPE

    - - - Updated - - -

    Saving this post incase I need to add more details..
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