Sold Selling Dofus Kamas (Server Echo)

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by BernieG, 8/11/21.

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  1. BernieG

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    I currently have a stock of 355mk that I'm looking to sell at the rate of 1USD (~0.85Euro) per mil Kamas.
    I have plenty of feedback to show proof of sales, will happily share screens and perform trades by any increment.

    My discord is BernieG#0574

    Thank you for your interest ^_^

    **Will also be selling accounts soon, just need to finish liquidating**

    Acc1: 200 Ougi (fully-scrolled), 199 Iop (fully-scrolled), 195 Eca (fully-scrolled), 173 Cra (fully-scrolled), 84 Sac (Iop is max...

    Selling Dofus Kamas (Server Echo)
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