Selling DN NA Account (Top class)

Discussion in 'Dragon Nest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by biskuitt, 10/5/16.

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  1. biskuitt

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    Hello, everyone. As I will be moving to a different country, I'm selling my DN NA account..
    I will be able to provide screen shots via skype and/or discord (Skype: joeminsung[at] or // Discord: Hola#3367)
    The account summary: 1 lvl 93 Dragoon (main), 19 lvl 90 (alts), and 5 lvl 24
    The account has many cash costumes.
    Main dragoon has full set +12 RDNL, sugarplum set, Hot-blooded Rose Red wep set, Red Dragon Shiny Flower set.
    It's semi FD. All 3rd stat Crests and Talisman.

    Please contact me via Skype or Discord.
    Looking to sell this fast to a decent offer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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