Sold Selling Dmo Leviamon account 40$ or 40€ paypal

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by underman, 12/24/17.

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  1. underman

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    Selling account dmo in leviamon

    Tamer lvl68


    Betamon lvl 87 5/5 (with growth fruit) all evolve but no apocalymon

    Dorumon (raptor) 3/5 lvl 63

    ryudamon 4/5 115% lvl 72

    dracomon green 3/5 lvl 42

    dracomon bleu 4/5 115% lvl 44

    black gabumon 5/5 lvl 1

    impmon 5/5 lvl 44

    veemon 5/5 lvl 61

    agumon 5/5 lvl 92

    all line open but black gabumon as 0 line open


    17 backup disk character bound

    evoluter 14 character bound

    3 baihumon earing character bound

    5 mode selector character bound

    7 jogress chip wasted

    and many other item

    or Trade vs an account with tamer lvl 70 and impmon with burstmode lvl 80 or up and an examon lvl 75 or up
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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