Selling  Average Selling DMO ACCOUNT 170$

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vaI, 2/22/20.

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  1. vaI

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    I´m quitting off at this game so I prefer someone buys it to enjoy it as much as I did.

    My account is on Lilithmon server and contains:

    Tamer lv 105 with 52 teras on the account Digivice with 2 lv 9 AT chipsets 122 and 132.
    The tamer´s equipment is: Soulmon Hat with 500max ds chipset increase, Xuanwumon Shiny Hooded shirt with 3 max hp chipset, flame short pants and flame gloves (pants 3 defense chipset) (gloves 2 at chipset each more than 300at), Earring of Quinlongmon: Basic Attribute +5,28% (attribute +4%), Critical Damage +21,035% (Critical dmg +15,93%), MAX HP +634 (max hp +481), Skill +348 (skill +264) ; Necklace of Baihumon: max ds + 849 (max ds 531), Attack speed + 23,54% (attack speed +14,71%), defense +60 (defense +38), max hp +1265 (max hp +791), Xuanwumon Shiny Ring: Critical +10% (Critical +5%), 2 slots of +600 Attack (300 Attack x2), max ds 1600 (max ds 800).

    Dracomon both blue and green 5/5 (128%) (lv 99) with Jogress evolution Examon. Dracomon blue is 15/15 AT 15/15 CT and 15/15 EV cloned perfectly.
    Omegamon jogress with Gabumon 5/5 (124% I have fruits to upgrade) lv 95 (its very recent) cloning him perfect rn with 3/15 AT and Agumon 4/5 lv 98 8/15 AT and 5/15 CT perfect. Also its unlocked Gabumon X and I´ve got XAI ver III Box 30 days and Jogress chip 30 days.
    Exveemon Paladin Mode 5/5 (127%) cloned perfect 15/15 AT 15/15 CT (lv 102) with all evolutions unlocked and riding mode on imperialdramon and lighdramon.
    Impmon with BM unlocked 5/5 (128%) cloned perfect AT 11/15, 12/15 CT, 12/15 EV and 2/15 BLOCK pf (Lv 100). I have several reinforced clones in storage to continue cloning him perfect.

    Other digimons like: Guilmon 5/5 BM unlocked, Renamon 5/5 no BM, Mechanorimon 5/5 with BM unlocked, Betamon 5/5 no BM, Woodmon 5/5 BM unlocked, Dracmon 5/5 with Dracmon X, Gazimon 5/5, Zhugiaomon 5/5 with riding mode, Gabumon 4/5 BM and riding mode, Monodramon 5/5 no BM, Mushroomon 5/5, Arkadimon 4/5, Kamemon 4/5, ToyAgumon 5/5, Terriermon 4/5 BM with riding mode, Biyomon 4/5 with BM in storage, Veedramon 4/5, Elecmon 4/5 with BM, Bearmon 4/5, Keramonn 4/5 with BM and riding mode, Kunemon 5/5, Pawnchessmon W and B both 4/5, Otamamon 4/5, and Soulmon 4/5 with BM, Salamon 4/5, Ryuudamon 4/5 (every 4/5 digimon has been upgraded to 5/5 with mysterious fruits) (Also many of them are cloned but that are too many details)

    Also in the storage I have the following digi eggs: 4/5 Pyschemon, Gizumon 5/5, 2 Impmon 5/5, Soulmon 5/5, Armadimon Jogress 5/5 and 4/5, Blackgatomon 4/5, Patamon 4/5, Syakomon 4/5, Salamon (Sylphimon) 4/5, Sharmamon 4/5 and Blackagumon 3/5, Biyomon 4/5.
    43 number change stones and 8 option change stones, 32 Backup disks, 23 reset capsules, 1 mega reinforced digiclone A and B, 1 mode selector, Digi aura and jogress chip 30 days, 28 fruit of goddess and some mid class data and 2 Antibody X factor of Dexdorugamon and 1 of Dracmon. To conclude I have 28 ryuuda eggs and 33 raptordramon eggs to hatch him 4/5 or 5/5 for AOX.

    I ALSO LISTEN TO OFFERS. Thank you for your attention and payment is done via paypal :) My discord is Valeroa#8261 add me if you want any photo to corroborate this info :)
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    My discord now is Val#4528 still wanting someone to buy my acc and listening to offers! ☺️
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