Sold Selling [Divine Overlook] Lv. 69 Gunslinger 290k+ Might & Spirit Shaper 260k+ Might

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wyorie, 11/10/17.

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  1. Wyorie

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    Great starter accounts on the North American server, Divine Overlook.

    Class: Gunslinger*
    Level: 69
    Path: Intrepid
    Total Might: 290k+
    Equipment Rating: 173k
    Total Cultivation Rating: 7k
    Demonslaying Tier: 7
    Rank: Level 1 Auros Cavalier
    Achievement Points: 3k+
    Level of Skill: 5x
    Premium Active Until: 4-20-2018

    Class: Spirit Shaper*
    Level: 69
    Path: Intrepid
    Total Might: 260k+
    Equipment Rating: 148k
    Total Cultivation Rating: 8k
    Demonslaying Tier: 7
    Rank: Level 1 Auros Cavalier
    Achievement Points: 3k+
    Level of Skill: 4x
    Premium Active Until: 3-30-2018

    *Please do note that both characters are on separate accounts.
    Accounts can be sold together at a # price or sold separately.
    Do feel free to PM me with your Skype/Discord/Facebook or your preferred mode of contact. I will respond to you within a day maximum, normally within a few hours, mostly less.
    Screenshots and more detailed information will only be provided upon establishing a mode of contact. Thank you very much.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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