selling discord user, soundcloud user and stat, instagram with 6k and 6514 on twitch 4n user.

Discussion in 'All Other OG Rare Handles For Sale - Buy Rare @ Usernames' started by /u/v6ss, 3/26/24.

  1. /u/v6ss

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    i will not be selling '@unaffecting' on discord anymore changed my mind this will be my discord you can dm me on again!

    what i still have that im willing to sell i still have these 4 accounts :0

    w1s - discord username 3c , 6 months of nitro , 1 decoration 1 effect.
    w9u - soundcloud username 3c 2k plays every 7 days 67k+ streams all time .
    uwntu - instagram 6k followers (btw the 30k insta was sold)
    6514 - twitch username 4 number

    no price is set on these accounts so just offer ! (cashapp only)
    if you want quick response i would recommend adding me on discord at '@unaffecting'

    # #/v6ss
    # .
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