Selling Selling Discord s

Discussion in 'OG Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Accounts' started by /u/RsImB0RIS, 9/28/20.

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  1. /u/RsImB0RIS

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    I'm not sure if there's a market for Discord #'s after nitro came out. But I have, #5555, #3000, #4200, #5566, #0004, and #4555. Obviously these are No-Nitro accounts. I got these by changing my name to someone with my same current # to force give me another. I think I could do like 5 name changes a day. Also you can put whatever name you want onto the # as long as someone with that name doesnt already have that # and I can check that if you want. I'd would ideally be looking for 10$ each but that's #.

    # #/RsImB0RIS
    # .
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