Selling account parangon 1508, monk oriented with all actual builds. - generator - LoN ltk - monk support - DH UE multishot - WD gargantua - WD firebat arachyr - barbarian support - 12 characters level 70 (at least one of each class ) - 280+ keyrifts - all leg gems level 74/75 ( bane of the powerfull and simplicity's strengh 80, stricken 85, gogok 94, bane of the trapped 97 ) - 50+ leg gems level 70-75 ready for caldesan - tons of crafting materials - monk's Kanaï 100% exctracted + basics for DH, WD and barb - 100+ of each act bounty materials - 70+ hellfire machines - solo 85 done with monk and wd, 102 4 men - falcon wings and few pets - tons of jewels and ancient items in stock - battletag change available for free Really well geared account, all builds are full ancient or almost, you can play any actual build and enough materials to make any more. Price 150€ More informations and screenshots available, just send a Private Message!