This account isn't a end-game type of account it's really just meant for the game/expansions and a little boost I guess you could say. This Account Inlcudes: Reaper of Souls expansion Necromancer expansion Free Battletag Change Lv70 Necromancer (main) Lv70 Demon Hunter Lv70 Witch Doctor Lv70 Monk Asking Price : $70 No work or effort really put into other characters besides the necromancer which I got up to GR60 on. Necromancer Build: http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1513890418/cvawd1wqey57ma6qdggx.jpg Method: / ✱Disclaimer✱ Under no exceptions am I expected to go first, unless the buyer has amazing reputation beyond reasonable doubt. A middleman is encouraged, but not required. If the buyer wishes to use a middleman, the cost will be added to the final price. Absolutely no refund or replacement policy, all payments are final. I will not refund nor replace under any circumstance. Discord : strong#4144 Feel free to contact me if you are really interested, I can provide more screenshots if necessary.